Thee skill is to motivate oneself constantly and to never lose track of one's goals and to work constantly towards them.(这种技能就是不停地激励自我、永远不会迷失自己的目标并且不停地朝着目标努力。)
As services, service data elements, and service providers and consumers proliferate, people lose track of all the pieces.(随着服务、服务数据元素、服务提供商和使用者的增多,人们会无法跟踪它们。)
What am I doing when I lose track of time?(我作什么的时候可以忘记时间的存在?)
And, once you've broken it, you're probably going to lose track of your spending.(而且,一旦你找开零钱后,大概你对消费就会看不见了。)
His mind would wander, and he would lose track of what he was doing.(他会心不在焉起来,忘了自己刚才正在干什么。)
If you run a huge (possibly dynamic or database-driven) website, it is so easy to lose track of some of your pages.(如果你运行一个大的(可能是动态或者数据库驱动)站点,很容易就会丢失对某些页面的跟踪。)
More importantly, will the users lose track of where they are in the customization process?(更重要的是,这会不会把用户搞糊涂了,连自己在定制过程的哪个地方都不知道呢?)
To make the most of time, lose track of it (flow).(充分利用时间,忘记时间(心流)。)
Never lose track of what you were hired to do.(永远不要忘记公司雇佣你的目的。)
Basic advice, but it's surprising how many people lose track of things.(这是最基本的建议,但是令人惊讶的是有那么多人竟然不知道这件事。)
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